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Code of Conduct

Guiding Principles

The Darmstadt Summer Course is organized by the International Music Institute Darmstadt (IMD). IMD is a cultural institute of the city of Darmstadt and is thus fully committed to democratic values as fundamental principles of our actions. For us, democracy means not only adhering to the principles of the rule of law, but also promoting social cohesion based on respect, tolerance, solidarity and inclusion. Through our work, we are committed to strengthening democratic values – including freedom of art and expression – and enabling social participation.

Many different people join the Darmstadt Summer Course. We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable and have developed a Code of Conduct. It describes the forms of behaviour we identify with and what we consider intolerable. The Code of Conduct serves as a reference for all those involved in the Darmstadt Summer Course (team, tutors, guest artists and participants) for their own behaviour.

Please read this Code of Conduct carefully. As this text is the result of an ongoing process, we are grateful to receive any remarks, questions or suggestions for improvements that you may have via e-mail at

What we aim for:

We aim for equal opportunities, fair conditions, diversity and inclusion. The Darmstadt Summer Course is a space for diversity, where people with different experiences, identities and backgrounds from more than 50 nations come together. One of our most important goals is to create an environment in which everyone feels welcome and invited. An environment that encourages people to share something of themselves, even if it is unfinished, and they can be sure that it will be discussed openly and constructively.

We would like the Darmstadt Summer Course to be a Safer Space for everyone. A Safer Space, as we understand it, is a place where everyone can express themselves freely and securely both in direct contact and online. We want to establish a place of solidarity where the personal boundaries of each individual are protected and everyone is encouraged to respect others. This encompasses all areas of our work – the artistic and production teams, our Summer Course tutors and participants, all musicians and ensembles as well as our guests.

How we interact with each other:

Our interaction is open and respectful. We address conflicts openly and try to resolve them together. Constructive criticism is welcome.
We treat each other as equals and listen attentively.

What we don’t tolerate:

We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, hate speech or other forms of violence.

Discrimination: This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination based on:

  • Nationality, ethnic origin or language
  • Legal status
  • Gender or sexual orientation
  • Religion or belief
  • Political opinion
  • Appearance, disability, state of health, age
  • Social background, marital status as well as educational background, financial and employment status

Harassment/intimidation: This includes, but is not limited to

  • stalking
  • inappropriate comments
  • unwanted touching
  • unauthorised photography or filming
  • unwanted sexual advances

What happens if there is a problem?

  • You can contact the Awareness Team via email ( or in person during the festival (names, locations and contact details can be found here early enough before the event).
  • The Awareness Team will act immediately in cases of harassment, aggression, or intimidation.
  • All reports are taken seriously and handled confidentially. We will act only with the consent of the affected person(s), unless others are at risk.
  • If we become aware of or are notified of any discriminatory or other unlawful incidents, we will investigate them. In the event of a violation, we reserve the right to impose sanctions within the scope of our legal options.

What we hope for:

We want a supportive and caring environment:

  • Respect others’ boundaries. Important: The affected person decides what feels like a boundary violation.
  • Take care of yourself and others.
  • Don’t look away if someone needs help.

If you don’t know how to handle a situation, ask for help from the Awareness Team or any member of the Darmstadt Summer Course team.

We would also like to point out to all participants and guests that there are legal regulations in both Germany and Darmstadt (Hessen) that prohibit certain symbols and expressions and therefore also apply to our event. Please contact the Awareness Team if you are unsure or need more information.

15 January 2025