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Angela Ida De Benedictis


Angela Ida De Benedictis is a member of the scientific team at the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel, where she curates more than 25 collections of composers, including Cathy Berberian, Luciano Berio, Helmut Lachenmann, Bruno Maderna, Henry Pousseur. She holds a PhD from the University of Pavia (Cremona), and has taught at the Universities of Padua, Salerno, Parma, Bern, Pavia, Basel and Fribourg. She is a scientific member of the Archivio Luigi Nono and director of the Centro Studi Luciano Berio. Her research, which has resulted in numerous publications, includes the 20th-21st century musical avant-garde, music and technology, and electroacoustic music. Among her publications are the complete edition of the writings of Luigi Nono, Luciano Berio, and Bruno Maderna; Luciano Berio. New Perspectives (Florence 2012) and critical editions of works by Berio, Boulez, Nono, Maderna and others.