Nikolaus Heyduck
Archive (Freelance)

Born 1957 in Kassel, Nikolaus Heyduck is a composer, visual artist and performer. From 1979 to 1985 he studied with Thomas Bayrle and Peter Kubelka at the Frankfurt Städelschule; further studies with Herbert Schwöbel (photography), Bernhard Jäger and others. From 1980 on he has been a regular visitor of the Darmstadt Summer Course, he took classes with Johannes Fritsch and Klarenz Barlow. From 1990 to 1995 he studied composition with Toni Völker at the Darmstadt Akademie für Tonkunst. Nikolaus Heyduck received several stipends and prizes, for example the Darmstadt Music Prize in 2018. He appears regularly in exhibitions and performances and is a member of several associations like the Darmstädter Sezession, Künstlerhaus Ziegelhütte e. V., Deutscher Werkbund (dwb), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik (DEGEM). He lives and works in Darmstadt. Since 2011, he is part of the archive digitization team at IMD.