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Musicking the Ferienkurse!

Workshop Michel Roth

Workshop with application process (Internal Call for Participation)

Tutor: Michel Roth

When: 21 July to 1 August 2025, please see below

Who: Open to all participants of the Darmstadt Summer Course (chosen from the Call for Participation)

Application deadline: 15 April 2025

Musicking the Ferienkurse! A Participative Observention

A game conveys rules within a frame. Every two years, the Darmstadt Summer Course frames the world of New Music – is it a kind of game too? Who are its players? What rules does it follow? What is it all about? And also: what happens at the margins, where this game interacts with the urban life outside the New Music community?

The composer and researcher Michel Roth wants to explore these questions together with a mixed group of participants of the Summer Course. In a “participative observention”, the group members will individually participate in the studios/workshops and concerts as usual, but they will also act as observers and interventionists and document their personal experiences in a multimedia way. To do this, Michel Roth will provide the group with a set of tools based on game theory.

After two weeks of artistic research, the group will develop a lecture-performance from the collected material.

This workshop is open to all profiles of registered participants in the Summer Course, i. e. composers, performers, researchers etc. Since different perspectives and backgrounds are an important factor in this project, diversity will be favored if there are too many applications.

Preliminary schedule

21 July 10.00–13.00: Introduction and first practical application of “participative observention”

24 July, 10.00–13.00: Second meeting

29 July, 10.00–13.00: Third meeting

1 August, 13.00–16.00: Final preparations

1 August, 17.00-18.00: Public lecture-performance and discussion (Open Space)

Plus individual meetings and coordination as needed.

Additional information:

Lecture Michel Roth: “Scores and possibilities”. A game-theoretical look on the musical Avantgarde in Darmstadt.
(Date and time tba)


All applicants must be registered participants of the Darmstadt Summer Course 2025.

To apply for the workshop, please submit ONE PDF (LASTNAME_Firstname_Musicking2025.pdf) containing the following:

  • A short CV
  • A short letter of motivation with a focus on artistic research: What skills and tools could you contribute to the planned “participative observention” of the Darmstadt Summer Course?

and e-mail it by 15 April 2025 to:

Please note that we cannot consider any remarks, links, or information outside the PDF!

Applicants will be notified in May 2025.

Important: Please take note of our data protection policy.