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Opera and Music Theater Workshop

Informal workshop with Sarah Nemtsov and Hans Thomalla

Tutors: Sarah Nemtsov, Hans Thomalla

When: 10 and 14 August, two hours in the afternoon (details tba)

Who: Participants registered for composition at the Darmstadt Summer Course

How: Composers can express their interest by sending an e-mail to


Composers working on opera or music-theater projects can present their projects and receive feedback from tutors and other students.

Bring a project you are working on. It can be just an idea with a few materials, a partially sketched piece, or a finished work. Present the theatrical concept, the text, the music (if there is some already), ideas for narrative, sound, visuals, space and open it up for suggestions, comments, critique from the others present in the room – a first step towards discourse and collaboration that are so crucial for opera and music-theater works.


None – just bring your project in a presentable version (power point slides or paper copies with text, sound files of musical ideas, scores etc.).


Sarah Nemtsov is a German Composer based in Belin. She has written four operas (“Herzland”, Hannover 2006, “L’Absence”, Munich Biennale 2011, “Sacrifice”, Halle 2016, and “Ophelia”, Saarbrücken 2023). She is currently working on her next opera “WIR” for Opernhaus Dortmund (WP 2026). Sarah Nemtsov is Professor of Composition at the University of Arts Mozarteum in Salzburg.

Hans Thomalla is a German-American composer based in Chicago. He has written three operas (“Fremd”, Stuttgart Opera 2011; “Kaspar Hauser”, Freiburg and Augsburg Opera 2016; and “Dark Spring”, Mannheim Opera 2020) and is currently working on his fourth opera, “Dark Fall”, for the 2023/24 Season at the Mannheim Opera. From 1999-2022 he was an assistant dramaturge at the Stuttgart Opera. Hans Thomalla is Professor of Composition at Northwestern University.