How to find your way
We’d like to give our tutors a maximum of flexibility and freedom how to structure their offers and how to collaborate with other tutors. That leads us to a broad variety of formats: group lessons, one-to-one tuition, lectures, panels, workshops where different tutors and their classes work together, open rehearsals, specialized workshops, seminars, masterclasses, instrumental studios, classes that consist of a series of workshops on certain topics, solo repertoire coaching, ad-hoc ensemble playing, listening sessions and much more.
Some programs require prior knowledge, experience or preparation and need a selection process, some are open to everybody. There are intensive two-week programs as well as specialized workshops over several days.
We think of this variety as something very positive and are not trying to squeeze everything into a university-like schedule. But we know that it’s not easy to find one’s way through all of this, especially for those of you who come to Darmstadt for the first time. We recommend to choose one or two activities that you really want to concentrate on. During the festival, there will be many additional things happening spontaneously and in parallel and please prepare yourself that you won’t be able to attend everything.
We try to answer your questions and help you to find your way if you e-mail
Please be aware that we get many requests and are only a small team. It may take us time to get back to you.
The regular participation is for two weeks. You choose ONE main field of activity, sign up for it online (Payment by credit card or PayPal) and then can possibly combine it with additional workshop activities (depending on each activity’s intensity).