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Alfred Reiter


1997 studies of sound engineering at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna; 1998 studies of classical saxophone with Oto Vrhovnik; master classes with Eugene Rousseau and Jean-Marie Londeix. 2004 graduated with honors with a Master of Arts degree in sound engineering, specializing in sound direction. 2005 graduated with distinction with a Master of Arts degree in concert saxophone. Performances and concert tours with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the Vienna State Opera Orchestra, the Vienna State Opera Stage Orchestra, the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the NSO Taiwan and others. Sound design and music for various multimedia projects (Stuttgart Opera, Mozarthaus Vienna, Glocknerrama Klagenfurt, Swarovski Crystal Worlds, etc.). Sound direction and live electronics for Ensemble Phace, Ensemble Nikel, Low Frequency Orchestra, the clarinet duo Stump-Linshalm, Juun, Eva Reiter, Jorge Sánchez-Chiong; at the music festivals Wien Modern, ORF musikprotokoll im Steirischen Herbst, Klangspuren Schwaz, Transart, Bregenzer Festspiele (KAZ), Darmstädter Ferienkurse, Moving Sounds Festival New York and others.

© ️Leah Walter