Sylvia Freydank
Deputy Director, Archive, Artistic Planning, Communication

Born 1980 in Dresden. Studied Musicology, Art History and French Linguistics in Dresden, Geneva and Berlin, Magister Artium 2006 with a thesis on the reception of Alban Berg at the Darmstadt Summer Course 1946 to 1961. Freelance work in Public Relations and Dramaturgy 2001 to 2006 for Dresden Centre for Contemporary Music (now: Hellerau – European Centre for the Arts Dresden) and since 2004 for the International Summer Course for New Music Darmstadt. Reviews, translations, texts for concert programs and radio (hr2-kultur). 2007 to November 2009 member of Schott Music’s contemporary music promotion staff, afterwards Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg Scholarship (musicology PhD program “Erinnerung- Wahrnehmung – Bedeutung”). 2013/14 project coordination for the Summer of Architecture Rhine-Main (Osthang Project). Since 2014 a permanent member of the IMD team as responsible for project development and communication, she has held the position of head of the archive and Deputy Director of IMD since August 2024.