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Percussion Studio: Chamber Event III

Concert in three parts – with participants of the Darmstadt Summer Course

Sat 19 August 2023, 16.00

Edith-Stein-Schule (Große Sporthalle, Klassenräume und Flure)

Iannis Xenakis: Rebonds, Part A (1987-89) – 8‘
for solopercussion
Ling Zhang

Andys Skordis: Himnanmori (2022) – 13‘
for piano, percussion and tape
Pablo Felez, Natasa Hadjiandreou

Iannis Xenakis: Okho (1989) – 15‘
for three percussionists
Clash Trio: Javier Verduras, Timothée De La Morinerie, David Auli Morales