Composing for Orchestra
Seminar Miroslav Srnka

Three-day seminar with selection process
Tutor: Miroslav Srnka
When: 3 sessions of 3 hours each in the second week of the Summer Course (more details tba)
Active participants: Composers interested in, preparing for, or reflecting on composing for orchestras, especially those gearing up for their first professional orchestra experience
Passive participants: Anyone interested in new music for orchestra
Application deadline: 10 February 2025
After having been selected for the workshop, participants must register regularly for participation in the Darmstadt Summer Course. Online booking for composition will be opened afterwards to the chosen participants.
Passive participants must already be registered Summer Course participants.
- An open seminar/atelier with individual consultations
- Open lectures, discussions, and sharing: three sessions of three hours each for all participants
- Individual consultations: two sessions of 45 minutes each for active participants
Composing for orchestra – composing for an institution
- Understanding the hierarchy around the orchestra (conductor, director, etc.) and within the orchestra (solo instruments, sections, instrument families)
- Orchestras in different cultures and at different levels: prestigious, professional, radio, student, festival, local
- Exploring the relationship between the orchestra and the composer: responsibilities and expectations
- Communication within the orchestra: whom to approach, when, how, and about what (e.g., intendant, chief conductor, concert conductor, program director)
- Preparing an orchestra project: writing premises, commissions, instrument choices, and additional requirements like electronics or media
- Managing writing time and communication with the orchestra or conductor
- Writing for ensembles and orchestras: exploring individual vs. group mechanisms, strategies, and possibilities
- Evaluating material for orchestral composition: what works, how much material to include, and why
- Technical requirements for scores and parts: working with apps, typesetters, layout, and explanatory notes
Rehearsing with an orchestra
- Understanding the psychology of rehearsal: building mutual respect between musicians and composers, and dealing with challenges like disrespect
- Preparing for rehearsal: what to do after completing the score and parts, and anticipating musicians’ questions
- Strategies for rehearsal communication: how to get what you need from your piece, and what to communicate to conductors and musicians
- Managing communication between rehearsals: keeping the process smooth and productive
- Using additional tools like electronics and media: technical and time considerations, preparation, and support
- Concert performance and aftermath
- Adapting your orchestra piece to the concert space: from rehearsal acoustics to performance venues like concert halls or industrial spaces
- Preparing for the concert: writing introductions, program notes, and engaging with interviews or press
- Understanding the concert as a cultural ritual: anticipating audience reactions and responses from musicians
- Post-concert considerations: securing recordings, revising scores, and exploring long-term collaborations with orchestras
Individual Consultations
- Addressing specific questions about composing for orchestra
- Discussing your ideas, visions, sketches, or plans
- Preparing for upcoming orchestra performances
- Reflecting on past experiences with orchestras
Required documents for active participants:
- Current CV
- Concept, ideas, or vision for an orchestral piece/project (maximum ½ page), and an existing orchestra score (performed or unperformed, with a recording if available)
- A short statement (maximum ½ page) explaining why you want to take part in C4O
3–4 links to examples of your recent work (audio, video, and scores, if applicable)
Required documents for passive participants:
- Current CV
- 3–4 links to examples of your recent work (audio, video, and scores, if applicable)
Please merge all documents into ONE SINGLE PDF file (LASTNAME_Firstname_C4O_2025.pdf) and e-mail it by 10 February 2025 to:
Please note that we cannot consider any remarks, links, or information outside the PDF! If you have additional files (audio, video, etc.), upload them to a cloud service and include the link in your PDF.
Applicants will be notified in March 2025. Online booking for composition will open for selected participants afterwards.
Important: Please take note of our data protection policy and the conditions for participation for the Darmstadt Summer Course before submitting your application.