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Mivos Quartet: Reading Sessions

Reading Sessions with selection process (Call for Scores)

Tutors: Mivos Quartet

When: 11 and 13 August (10.00–13.00), presentation on 15 August 2023

Who: Composers (chosen from the Call for Scores, registered for composition)

Submission deadline: ⏰ 15 July 2023

Mivos Quartet invites participants of the Darmstadt composition studios to submit string quartet scores (only acoustic, without any additional devices) by 15 July 2023.

Selected compositions will be played and discussed in two Reading Sessions on 11 and 13 August, 10.00–13.00. A presentation is planned.

Find out more about Mivos Quartet

Call for Scores

All composers must be registered participants of the Darmstadt Summer Course.

Please submit ONE recent score for (acoustic) string quartet (2 violins, viola and cello) as a PDF file by 15 July 2023:

Subject: LASTNAME Firstname Call for Scores Darmstadt 2023

Please send larger files via

Composers will be selected and notified by 1st August 2023.

Important: Please take note of our data protection policy before submitting your application.

© ️Andrej Grilc