Darmstadt On Air #15
Music theater as heterotopic space

The 15th episode of ? Darmstadt On Air is hosted by our new composition tutor Sarah Nemtsov: She invited the set designer Sebastian Hannak to be her conversation partner in this podcast. At the opera house in Halle Sebastian created „Raumbühne Heterotopia“ in 2017, a 360° stage installation conceived as a music-theatre-city where the borders between audience, orchestra and performers are blurred for the benefit of an immersive spatial experience and emphatic „Totaltheater“. In more than ten different formats such as opera, drama, dance, performance or concert, the space can be experienced from totally different perspectives. Sebastian adapted his Heterotopia stage for several theater and music theater productions like Sarah’s opera „Sacrifice“ (2016). That was when the two artists met in Halle some years ago. Sebastian started to work on his set design when he only knew parts of Sarah’s music. Maybe more than ever before he was forced to invent reality for a piece on stage. For both of them theater is an extraordinary moment of transition.
There is a video version of the Zoom interview (12 November 2020 with Sarah in Berlin and Sebastian in Heidelberg) which contains some photo and video material and an extra topic (colors) that was cut out in the audio version:
More about Sebastian Hannak: https://www.sebastianhannak.com
More pictures: https://sebastianhannak.tumblr.com
More about the Sebastian’s Heterotopia: https://www.sebastianhannak.com/raumb%C3%BChne-heterotopia
More about Sarah Nemtsov: http://www.sarah-nemtsov.de
Sarah’s Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sarah-nemtsov
„Sacrifice“ on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umN-0moijyM
More about „Sacrifice“: http://www.sarah-nemtsov.de/en/sacrifice-2
Many thanks to Sebastian Hannak and Sarah Nemtsov, to Stefan Prins for the jingle, and to Lennard Schubert!
Darmstadt On Air is also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.