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Reading and Misreading: Context, Subtext, Pretext

Workshop Lucas Fels, Nicolas Hodges, Christian Grüny

Tutors: Lucas Fels, Nicolas Hodges, Christian Grüny

NEW DATES: 7 & 8, 16 & 17 August, 10.00-13.00

Who: Open to all instrumentalists of the Darmstadt Summer Course for active participation (bring a piece!), composer participants very welcome to join the discussion

How: For better planning, please express your interest by sending a short e-mail to and name a piece of music that you would like to discuss with us (can be repertoire classics but also recent pieces)! Preferably, participants should attend all sessions, but if you are involved in other projects, it’s ok to join only parts. Please let us know.

In the situation of creating music – as improvisation, with notation, by ourselves, with others – we are constantly observing and reading. We may be reading signs or observing each other (or ourselves), across the years or across the room, but we are always involved with such processes. And we are always relying on context and subtext, consciously or otherwise, as we attempt to move forward.

We will try to reflect on some of these contexts and make them explicit. By supplementing musical rehearsal and performance with theoretical and philosophical perspectives related to the various pieces and the process as a whole, we will create a richer understanding – and multiply productive misreadings. That way, we introduce a different perspective on each piece from the beginning, which we can then unfold/contest/contradict in the rehearsals and discussions, feeding directly into the performers’ experience on the concert stage. Reading of a classical philosophical text will be part of the format.