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Percussion Concepts

Workshop with Jennifer Torrence, Rainer Römer, Håkon Stene and Matthew Shlomowitz

Additional workshop with selection process (Call for Percussion Concepts)

Tutors: Jennifer Torrence, Rainer Römer, Håkon Stene, Matthew Shlomowitz

When: workshop dates and times tba; final presentation 18 August 2023

Who: composers (selected from Call for Percussion Concepts, registered for the composition studios), participants of the percussion studio

Submission deadline: ⏰ 1st June 2023

The aim of this call for concepts is to gather composers and performers in collaborative ventures where processes of experimentation, practical involvement, exchange of ideas and experiences are at the forefront. Rather than rehearsing a finished score for a concert performance, the aim of these workshops is to gain new knowledge into the development of works and concepts through practical trial and error.

3–4 projects will be chosen, and the selected composers will work towards a showing on the Percussion Studio’s Open Event on 18 August 2023. There will be four tutors assisting the participants during this process:

  • Håkon Stene (percussion tutor)
  • Jennifer Torrence (percussion tutor)
  • Rainer Römer (percussion tutor)
  • Matthew Shlomowitz (composition tutor)

These three will select the participants based on their project propsals.

The first meeting will be open to the public and is an opportunity for the composition students to present their ideas and meet the performers. The following meetings and rehearsals will be organized in smaller groups and are closed to the public.


We are searching for proposals involving 1–6 percussionists. Concepts may, in theory, employ any sound producing object of the composer’s choice as long as it is possible to realize within the practical framework of the percussion studio. We encourage applicants to opt for small-scale set-ups, and possibly, if employing unconventional instrumentations, bring their own instruments or electronic devices to the workshops.
Concepts may be submitted with or without any form of musical notation.

Duration: 1–10 minutes


Applicants are requested to merge all documents and links to sound/video files into ONE SINGLE PDF file (LASTNAME_Firstname_PercussionCall2023.pdf) and send it by ⏰ 1st June 2023 to:

Please submit:

  • a project proposal (1 or 2 pages of written text, excerpts of notation, diagrams, pictures of instrument constructions or similar)
  • at least one work from your existing portfolio, either as audio/video file, or a written score.

Please note that we cannot consider any remarks, links, or information outside the PDF!
If you have sound or video files, please upload them on a cloud and provide the link in the PDF, thank you very much!

If you have questions, please e-mail

Composers will be selected and notified by 15 June 2023.

Important: Please take note of our data protection policy before submitting your application.

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