Darmstadt On Air #16
Dissonance Makes Things Move

We are back from the winter break with episode 16 of our ? Darmstadt On Air audio podcast, a series of conversations hosted by the Darmstadt Summer Course tutors: Flute tutor Claire Chase met composer Marcos Balter with whom she has been working on several projects, for example the solo flute piece „Pan“ which also exists as a 90-minute music theatre for flute, electronics and participants. Starting from this piece, Claire and Marcos are discussing forms of collectivity and collaboration, scenarios of true exchange and shared knowledge within a framework where power structures are still at work. And they ask which tools we need for unthinking mastery and expertise. They are both based in New York, but met on Zoom on January 15, 2021.
More about Marcos Balter: https://marcosbalter.com
More about Claire Chase: http://www.clairechase.net
Many thanks to Marcos Balter and Claire Chase, to Stefan Prins for the jingle, and to Lennard Schubert!
Darmstadt On Air is also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.