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Darmstadt On Air #26

Hungry Listening

In our 🔴 Darmstadt On Air podcast tutors of the Darmstadt Summer Course talk to a person of their choice and start their conversation from a particular piece of music, a book, a piece of art, a performance, recording etc.
In episode #26 Peter Meanwell (tutor of the seminar “Words On Music” this summer) interviewed Xwélmexw artist, curator and writer Dylan Robinson about his book Hungry Listening: Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies. Published by University of Minnesota Press in 2020 Hungry Listening presents an excoriating critique of colonial assimilation practices in the classical art music world, whilst simultaneously celebrating indigenous methodologies and art works, and proposing through “doing” a new way of writing sound and listening. The work has been a key text for Meanwell as he collaborates with Sámi artist Elina Waage Mikalsen exploring indigenous Sámi experimental sound and music through Borealis – a festival for experimental music in Bergen, Norway.

More about Dylan Robinson:

Many thanks to Dylan Robinson and Peter Meanwell, to Stefan Prins for the jingle, and to Linus Kahl!

Darmstadt On Air is also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

Peter Meanwell (above), Dylan Robinson (below)